Training to Task Force Members- 29.04.2024
A half day training was imparted to the Diocesan level task force members at Punalur on 29th April 2024 @ 10:30am to 1:30pm. Totally 36 members participated. The programme started with a prayer song and after that Mr.Sunny V.O, Sajeevam Co-ordinater of PSSS welcomed the participants. Followed by this Rev.Fr. Johnson Joseph, Director of PSSS inaugurated the porgramme. In his inaugural speech he mentioned that the women have a great role to prevent the drug issues. Rev.Fr.Vineeth Benedict delivered a felicitation speech. Mr.Sajo Joy, State Co-ordinater of Sjeevam Project held a class regarding the issue. Followed by this small group discussions were arranged. The participants were divided in 3 groups and given 3 topics like children, Youth and family. The members discussed in this regard and presented what can be done for these 3 areas.
It is decided to prepare an action plan on the basis of the presentation points. The programme came to an end with the vote of thanks of Rev.Sr.Lancin, SRA, BCC animator.